Book geometric routes

Book geometric routes

Points of book disposal.


1. Korfiatis, 6th Hippocrates Athens, tel. 210-3628492

Nationwide exams 2022

Nationwide exams 2022

A new landscape are in front of this year's candidates who will take Pan-Hellenic exams in June 2022. Changes in the courses, in the computer, the composition of the scientific fields and the departments, the minimum entry base and the lesson-subject to the nationwide exams. - EPAL

School: They all change in ancient Greek

School: They all change in ancient Greek

The course will be taught with new, rationalized and reduced matter

Euripides's "Trojans" or "Alkistis" will now be taught in the Gymnasium instead of "Helen" of the same tragic. Homeric epics will be taught whole, while changing teaching methods and reduces course material.

Application -fee for participation in the nationwide exams of GEL or EPAL of 2022

Application -fee for participation in the nationwide exams of GEL or EPAL of 2022

As provided by the legislation, all candidates wishing to participate in the Pan-Hellenic Examinations of 2022 of General High Schools (GEL) and Vocational High Schools (EPAL), for admission to higher education, must submit to their Lyceum Application for participation These exams.


Bases - schools
Computation of molecules


• Constanta 4, Agria, Volos
• 2428091931

• G. Kartali 42, Volos
• 2428091931

• 6932439575